White-necked Pheasant
The white-necked long-tailed pheasant (Syrmaticus ellioti) is a world threatened species unique to China and a national I-level key protected animal. It is listed as a vulnerable species in the IUCN and the "China Red Book of Endangered Animals-Birds" and is listed CITES Appendix I.
Red-billed Lovebird
Red-billed Acacia belongs to Passeriformes and Goniidae in the classification of birds. They are mainly distributed in woodlands at an altitude of 400-800 meters. They are distributed in Limuqiao and Yuquan Temple in Dawei Mountain. Acacia has gorgeous feathers and is very beautiful, with a red beak. The male and female are in love with each other and are inseparable. They are well-known as "love birds" in pairs. According to legend, if a pair of lovebirds loses their spouse, the other half will feel lonely because of the spouse, and will not think about food and drink, and will die of depression.
Giant salamander (baby fish)
Giant salamander is the largest and most precious amphibians in the world. Its cry is very similar to the cry of infants, so people call it "baby fish". It is a national second-class protected aquatic wild animal, a key development species for agricultural industrialization and characteristic agriculture; it is a wild animal genetically protected species.
Clouded Leopard
The clouded leopard is a national first-class protected animal. The clouded leopard is a relatively primitive type among the existing cats. In terms of head ratio, the clouded leopard’s canine teeth are the longest among the existing cats. Clouded leopards mainly feed on arboreal animals. The survival of clouded leopards is currently under serious threat, and their beautiful fur makes them a hunting target.
Liriodendron tulipifera
It is also known as Shuangpiao tree, a rare plant unique to China, belonging to the Magnoliaceae family, and is a large deciduous tree. Ye Da, looks like a mantle, so it is called the mantle wood. The height of the tree can reach more than 60 meters, the diameter at breast height is about 3 meters, and the trunk is straight and smooth. It grows fast, is drought-tolerant, and is extremely resistant to pests and diseases. The flowers are large and beautiful, with golden leaves in autumn, like yellow mantles. They are precious street trees and garden ornamental trees. They can quickly become shade after planting. It is also the best wood for construction and furniture.
Fang Zhu
Fang bamboo is a grassy bamboo plant. The pole is upright, 3-8 meters high, the bamboo stalks are blue-green, the small bamboo poles are round, and the bamboo poles are square when finished, the head of the bamboo has small thorn branches, and the green is whirling into a tower shape. Square bamboo leaves are thin and luxuriant, have a large amount of transpiration, and are prone to loss of water, so they are naturally distributed in an environment with shady, humid and cool air and high humidity. The square bamboo poles are square and unique. In addition to observing poles, they are also suitable for observing bamboo shoots and postures. In addition, its stalks can be used to make walking sticks. The bamboo shoots are delicious and ready for consumption.
Taxus chinensis
Southern yew, evergreen tree, light gray bark, longitudinally split into long thin slices; bud scales are obtuse or slightly pointed, shed or partly persisted at the base of twigs. The leaves are 2 rows, nearly sickle-shaped, 1.5-4.5 cm long. There are no papillary keratinous protrusions on the midrib zone on the back, or sometimes scattered, or there are 1 to several papillary keratinous protrusions on both sides of the midrib adjacent to the stomatal zone. , The color is different from the stomatal zone, light green, and the edges are wide and obvious. The seeds are obovate or cylindrically long ovate, 7-8 mm long, usually wide at the upper part, and are born in red fleshy cup-shaped arils. Seeds can be squeezed oil; bark contains tannins; wood can be used as a material. It is cultivated in both Nanjing and Shanghai; it can be propagated by seeds, and cuttings can also be used. Distributed in various provinces and regions south of the Yangtze River, as well as Henan and Shaanxi. National first-level protected wild plants.
Ginkgo is a deciduous tree that blooms in May and matures in October. The fruit is an orange-yellow seedling fruit. Ginkgo is a relict plant. All other plants in the same phylum have become extinct. Ginkgo is the oldest relic plant among the existing seed plants. Varieties and varieties are: yellow leaf ginkgo, tower ginkgo, split ginkgo, weeping ginkgo, and variegated ginkgo.
Arhat bamboo
Buddha belly bamboo is a clump bamboo plant of the Gramineae family. The young stalks are dark green, slightly white powdered, and turn olive yellow in old age. Culms Type II: Normally cylindrical, 7-10 meters high, with internodes 30-35 cm; deformed culms are usually 25-50 cm, with internodes shorter than normal. Sheath leaves are ovate-lanceolate; her sheaths are glabrous; her ears are well-developed, round or ovate to sickle-shaped; her tongue is extremely short. Sex likes to be warm, moist, and intolerant to cold. It is suitable to grow in fertile, loose, moist, and well-drained sandy loam. It is distributed at home and abroad. This species is often potted and cultivated by artificial truncation, forming deformed plants for viewing; when planted on the ground, it forms tall bamboo clumps, and occasionally a few deformed rods grow out of normal rods. The beautiful Buddha belly bamboo is also the processing object of many handicrafts and cultural objects. Such as fans, bamboo carvings, musical instruments and so on.
Red maple
The red maple tree is 2 to 4 meters high, and the branches are slender, smooth, and purplish red. Leaf palm-shaped, 5-7 deep cracks, 5-10cm in diameter, lobes ovate-lanceolate, apex caudate pointed, with heavily serrated edges. Corymbs inflorescences grow at the top of the flowers, purple. Samara, wings are 2-3cm long, with obtuse angles between the two wings.
Dawei Mountain
National Park