Introduction to Dawei Mountain

     Dawei Mountain is located in the east of Liuyang, at the junction of Hunan and Jiangxi, 99 kilometers west of Changsha, the capital of Hunan Province, and east of Tonggu, Jiangxi Province, with a total area of 70,000 mu. There are numerous peaks and ridges, winding for more than 150 kilometers. Its highest peak, Qixing Peak, is 1607.9 meters above sea level. The ancients once praised it as "outside the seven-two peaks of Nanheng, you can enjoy a wonderful tour." The green pearl was discovered by the world and has been awarded successively: Hunan Provincial Nature Reserve, Hunan Provincial Scenic Area, National AAAA Scenic Area, National Geopark, National Ecotourism Demonstration Area. In 2013, it received 600,000 tourists, achieved 300 million yuan in tourism industry revenue, and established the brand: "New Tourism Direction, Dawei Mountain in China".

     Dawei Mountain, a mountain with flowers like a sea. In March of Yangchun, the warblers fly and the grass grows and the flowers are in full bloom. It is the great flower-viewing season of Dawei Mountain. There are hundreds of miles of peach forests, thousands of cherry blossoms, ten thousand mu of rhododendrons, rapeseed everywhere, ancient towns, and curved rivers, attracting countless tourists to compete. Fold the waist. In particular, the rhododendrons in the Shiquan Lake wetland sightseeing area are in response to the reputation of "the world is full of flowers in April, and the surrounding rhododendrons are red in different colors."

     Dawei Mountain, a mountain like spring all year round. Due to the high mountains and dense forests, the vegetation coverage rate reaches 99.5%, which constitutes a forest microclimate of "no heat in summer and no severe cold in winter", which is like a "natural air conditioner" gifted by nature. The annual average temperature is 11.4℃, and the average summer temperature is 20℃. Whenever the two large furnaces in Changsha and Wuhan are too hot, the mountain breeze in the scenic area is habitual, holding a pot of tea, holding a volume of books to a stream, it is very comfortable to live, and there are many travel friends here, and the number of people in the mountains increases sharply. The summer leisure is the best in Xiaoxiang.

     Dawei Mountain, a mountain full of rare treasures. An ancient poem said that Dawei Mountain "the roots of the mountain go round Wuwei in the east, and the water flowed through the head in the west." When the Quaternary glacier melted, 13 large and small alpine wetlands, represented by Lake Shiquan and Tianxin Lake, were bred in Dawei Mountain. It provides excellent natural conditions for the collection of Tianzhen in Dawei Mountain. In addition to red-billed lovebirds, there are also the endangered species of white-necked long-tailed pheasant unique to China; there are 26 species of national key protected animals such as clouded leopards, giant salamanders, and white pheasants; there are national key protected wild plants such as southern yew and tulip tree 61 kind. In the autumn of Yuquan Lake, the reed flowers on the lakeside are like snow flying, and the acacia red beans are green and fat. It"s also the season when the Hakka people treasure the Nazis, organic fruits, wild honey, yellow beef, black goat, white sand tofu, stone frog, pheasant, etc., make tourists linger. When you return, you can also bring purple ink Xiangyu, bamboo charcoal, root carving, bamboo carving and other gifts.

     Dawei Mountain, a mountain for enjoying the scenery and fitness. There are many scenic spots in the park, such as chestnut bridge, boat bottom nest, white-faced stone, five-finger stone, Maweicao Waterfall, Chenzhenren Temple, Guzhuzhuang Temple, Honglian Temple, etc. There is gold all over the ground in autumn, and jade spring reflecting snow in winter. The content is rich and interesting. In winter, the snow in the South is a flash in the pan, only the Dawei Mountain wrapped in silver, the snow shadows of the west peak, the rime hanging upside down, and the jade trees and vigorous flowers. There is an endless stream of tourists who smell the fragrance of plum and enjoy the rhyme of snow.

     Dawei Mountain, a mountain of beauty and longevity. The Longquan Stream in the park is rich in runoff, and the stream contains a variety of minerals and trace elements. Negative oxygen ions in the air in Xijian Lung Valley are as high as 85,900 per cubic centimeter. This "air vitamin", which is nearly a thousand times higher than that of ordinary urban areas, makes Dawei Mountain known as the "natural oxygen bar". People enter it, pick a handful of glacier tea, boil a pot of clear spring, beautify the skin, eliminate chronic diseases, and enjoy the body and mind. The southern yews can be seen everywhere surrounding Hakka houses, and there are many elderly people in the village.

     Dawei Mountain, a mountain for the Buddha and the immortal. The Honglian Temple by the Yuquan Lake is enshrined in the largest jade Buddha in Sanxiang and the Buddha"s true body relics presented by Sri Lankan monks. In 1928, "Burning Red Lotus Temple", which opened the first martial arts film in China, was based on this ancient temple on the border of Hunan and Jiangxi as its prototype. The wind and clouds are changing and the world is like dust. Many tourists come here, full of curiosity, and still hope to find clues in the movies of the year. Qixingling is approaching the top of the mountain, and there is a "View of Chen Zhenren" built, and tourists are like weaving.

Honor of Dawei Mountain

Daweishan Forest Park Management Office
1. Functional responsibilities

      (1) Implement national laws, regulations and industry standards on forest park management. In accordance with the "National Forest Park Management Measures" and "Hunan Province Forest Park Management Regulations", the park shall be fully managed. Responsible for the coordination and organization of various relationships in the development and construction of the park.

      (2) Cooperate with the municipal forestry administrative department to be responsible for the preparation of the park"s mid- and long-term development plan and annual development plan. In accordance with the relevant regulations of forest park management, combined with the actual situation of the park, formulate park management methods and detailed rules, and organize their implementation.

      (3) Responsible for organizing the development, utilization and protection of tourism resources in the park. Organize the implementation of tourism construction projects, and manage and supervise the tourism projects invested by other units and individuals in the park in accordance with the law.

      (4) Responsible for the operation and management of the park, to manage and supervise the units and individuals operating tourism business in the park according to law, and guide the healthy development of the tourism market.

      (5) Responsible for the tourism, transportation, public security, fire protection, forest administration, forest protection and fire prevention, nature protection, industry and commerce, religion, culture, environmental protection, planning, land, taxation, prices, health and epidemic prevention, labor, statistics and other tasks in the park Management, at the same time, accept the guidance of relevant industry authorities in business.

      (6) Responsible for the inspection and supervision of the service quality in the park, accepting and investigating complaints from tourists.

      (7) According to the overall plan of the construction project approved by the superior, responsible for formulating the detailed park plan and community plan; implementing planning management in the construction project, and organizing the implementation of the plan.

      (8) Responsible for organizing investment promotion, and in accordance with relevant preferential policies, optimize the investment environment and promote the development and construction of the park. According to the development plan and requirements of the park, coordinate with relevant functional departments to undertake the review and approval procedures of construction projects in the park.

      (9) According to relevant national policies and laws and regulations, formulate regulations on fees and charging standards in the park, and submit for approval in accordance with procedures. Organize the collection and management of various taxes and fees.

      (10) Responsible for the security and comprehensive management of the park, carry out public security community activities, and actively carry out the construction of spiritual civilization.

      (11) To complete other tasks assigned by the Liuyang Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal People"s Government and the higher-level professional departments.

2. Institutional setting

      (1) Department setting. This department is composed of two institutions, namely the Park Management Office and the Forest Farm. The Park Management Office is a unit authorized by the Liuyang Municipal People’s Government to be responsible for the administration of the park. It has six sub-divisional internal institutions: Office, Finance Section, Safety and Security Section, Fire Prevention Section, Operation and Sales Section, Geological Research and Construction Section.

      (2) Personnel situation. The department currently has a total of 126 cadres and employees (30 of whom are employed), and 48 are retired.

3. Department responsibilities

      (1) Office
     Assist the leaders of the office to coordinate and handle various tasks, organize the preparation of mid- and long-term plans and annual plans for the development of the park. Responsible for tourism reception, document and telegram handling, file management, letters and visits. Responsible for the coordination and liaison of internal and external relations. Responsible for party building, disciplinary inspection, supervision, personnel and labor, publicity and education, assessment and supervision, spiritual civilization construction, industrial and young women, and veteran relations association. Responsible for agency procurement and logistics.
     (2) Finance Section
     Responsible for the financial management of the office and supervise the use of funds. Responsible for the management of state-owned assets in the park. Responsible for the preparation of annual financial revenue and expenditure budget and final accounts report. Responsible for the budget and final accounts and cost audit of various construction projects in the park. Responsible for the collection and management of various fees in the park. Responsible for statistics in the park, assisting in investment promotion and project declaration.
     (3) Security Section
     Responsible for managing the tourism order and business order of the park. Responsible for the comprehensive management and stability maintenance, safety, fire protection, food hygiene, 610, national security, law popularization, family planning, ecological environment protection, and innovation in the park. Responsible for the industry management and services of the enterprises and business households in the park. Responsible for the management and protection of public facilities and scenic spots in the park. Responsible for the education, training and certification of employees in the park. Accept passenger complaints and coordinate their handling. Organize legal consultation and legal services.
     (4) Fire Prevention Section
     Responsible for the management of forest fire prevention in the park; responsible for fire prevention propaganda, fire prevention hidden danger investigation, forest inspections, fire prevention equipment maintenance, and fire prevention facilities construction. Responsible for the statistics and release of forest fire information in the park; responsible for the forest production and forest administration resource management in the park (including the associated mountain).
     (5) Operation and Sales Section
     Responsible for park market development and marketing planning. Responsible for the unified management of the operation and promotion of park tourism service projects. Responsible for establishing service projects, developing and packaging tourism products. Responsible for the liaison with travel agencies and the management of the park’s external offices.
     (6) Geological Research and Construction Section

     Responsible for the comprehensive survey and research on the geology and geomorphology of the park. Responsible for the management of the National Geopark and the prevention of geological disasters. Responsible for the investment promotion of the park and the organization and implementation of construction projects in the park, as well as the development and construction work, and coordinate with relevant functional departments to undertake the review and approval procedures of construction projects in the park.

Tourist area consultation telephone: 086-0731-83488701
Complaint Hotline for Tourist Area: 086-0731-83488188
Rescue telephone in tourist area: 086-0731-83488698
Dawei Mountain
National Park