Taxus chinensis
2021-09-22   大围山国家森林公园
Southern yew, evergreen tree, light gray bark, longitudinally split into long thin slices; bud scales are obtuse or slightly pointed, shed or partly persisted at the base of twigs. The leaves are 2 rows, nearly sickle-shaped, 1.5-4.5 cm long. There are no papillary keratinous protrusions on the midrib zone on the back, or sometimes scattered, or there are 1 to several papillary keratinous protrusions on both sides of the midrib adjacent to the stomatal zone. , The color is different from the stomatal zone, light green, and the edges are wide and obvious. The seeds are obovate or cylindrically long ovate, 7-8 mm long, usually wide at the upper part, and are born in red fleshy cup-shaped arils. Seeds can be squeezed oil; bark contains tannins; wood can be used as a material. It is cultivated in both Nanjing and Shanghai; it can be propagated by seeds, and cuttings can also be used. Distributed in various provinces and regions south of the Yangtze River, as well as Henan and Shaanxi. National first-level protected wild plants.
Dawei Mountain
National Park