Arhat bamboo
2021-09-22   大围山国家森林公园
Buddha belly bamboo is a clump bamboo plant of the Gramineae family. The young stalks are dark green, slightly white powdered, and turn olive yellow in old age. Culms Type II: Normally cylindrical, 7-10 meters high, with internodes 30-35 cm; deformed culms are usually 25-50 cm, with internodes shorter than normal. Sheath leaves are ovate-lanceolate; her sheaths are glabrous; her ears are well-developed, round or ovate to sickle-shaped; her tongue is extremely short. Sex likes to be warm, moist, and intolerant to cold. It is suitable to grow in fertile, loose, moist, and well-drained sandy loam. It is distributed at home and abroad. This species is often potted and cultivated by artificial truncation, forming deformed plants for viewing; when planted on the ground, it forms tall bamboo clumps, and occasionally a few deformed rods grow out of normal rods. The beautiful Buddha belly bamboo is also the processing object of many handicrafts and cultural objects. Such as fans, bamboo carvings, musical instruments and so on.
Dawei Mountain
National Park