Fang Zhu
2021-09-22   大围山国家森林公园
Fang bamboo is a grassy bamboo plant. The pole is upright, 3-8 meters high, the bamboo stalks are blue-green, the small bamboo poles are round, and the bamboo poles are square when finished, the head of the bamboo has small thorn branches, and the green is whirling into a tower shape. Square bamboo leaves are thin and luxuriant, have a large amount of transpiration, and are prone to loss of water, so they are naturally distributed in an environment with shady, humid and cool air and high humidity. The square bamboo poles are square and unique. In addition to observing poles, they are also suitable for observing bamboo shoots and postures. In addition, its stalks can be used to make walking sticks. The bamboo shoots are delicious and ready for consumption.
Dawei Mountain
National Park