Granite spherical weathered body
2021-09-22   大围山国家森林公园

The granite mountain has undergone the alternate evolution of glacial and interglacial climate since the Quaternary. The advent of glaciers is dominated by erosion, abrasion, and digging (digging) erosion, accompanied by the erosion of glacier water on both sides of the glacier and the bottom of the glacier, which promotes the erosion of ice buckets (cellars) toward the source, and the trough slopes recede and the bottom widens. During the interglacial period, the climate was warm; glaciers no longer existed, instead the erosion of running water was the main feature, and the icy erosion terrain was transformed. The erosion of flowing water, especially the diffusive effect, caused the granite mountain body to suffer from the spherical weathering of the surface, the erosion of the flowing water and the splitting of plant roots, forming an exposed stone egg landform, which is huge and piled high. Because of its shallow weathering in the exposed surface environment, the sphere is not perfect. This type of stone egg landform is relatively rare in this area. Wuzishi can be represented. Although the white-faced stone is shown as a rock wall with cylindrical joints, this type of stone egg landform is actually a remnant of the destruction of the stone egg landform. The Dawei Mountain is mainly a buried stone egg landform. It is not dominated by erosion, but water, gas and various microorganisms invade along the granite joints and fissures, weathering and spalling from the surface to the inner layer, and the inside of the rock block is not weathered. Some of them are spherical, and the remaining spherical rocks are called stone eggs. They are perfectly spherical and small in size.

Dawei Mountain
National Park