Sheep's Back Stone
2021-09-22   大围山国家森林公园
Sheep back stone is also called:sheep front stone. It is a rocky hillock formed by ice erosion. Especially in continental glacier zones, rocky hillocks are often distributed along with rocky depressions and lake basins, crawling on the ground in groups, like a flock of sheep lying on the ground. Therefore, it is called sheep is back stone. It is formed by grinding hard rocky hills by glaciers. The top is rounded and resembles a sheep is back. Has an oval base. The direction in which the long axis extends is consistent with the direction of glacier movement. The longitudinal profile is asymmetric from front to back: the ice facing slope is generally gentle and smooth; the back ice slope is steep and rough. In most areas where sheep is back stones are distributed, the ground is undulating.
The reason is that the flat side is dominated by abrasion, while the steep side is dominated by digging and there are caves.
The direction of the long axis of the sheep is back stone is parallel to the direction of the glacier movement, so the sheep is back stone can also indicate the direction of the glacier movement.

Dawei Mountain
National Park