Ice House
2021-09-22   大围山国家森林公园

The ice cellar is the source of the valley"s glaciers and the bedrock depressions where ice is stored. The entire terrain is an enclosure-like basin surrounded by mountains on three sides and a flat bottom. The exit is connected to the U-shaped valley, a popular glacier trail, and some have rock ridges across the exit. The ice cellars in geoparks often take the form of muddy garden-shaped or long-striped mountain wetlands, ranging in area, with a single area of more than 20h square meters, and the largest one is Shiquan Lake, with an area of more than 90h square meters. The remains of the Lushan period ice cellars in the Geopark are generally distributed in a zone of about 1400m. Ice cellars are poorly preserved during the glacial period (Q2). There are Shuidaba ice cellars and Shigutian (mountain) ice cellars, which are distributed in the area of 650-800m above sea level.

Dawei Mountain
National Park