Qixingling Scenic Area
2021-09-22   大围山国家森林公园

Dawei Mountain has Qixing Peak as the highest peak, with an elevation of 1608 meters. The north and south sides of Qixing Peak are the source of Liuyang River. Within 1,200 meters above sea level, the peaks gradually merge into a rounded belt that is wide in the west and narrow in the east and about 17 kilometers in length. Moss, shrub and grassland, inlaid with 13 marsh lakes such as Yuquan and Tianxing. According to ancient times, the queen mother of the sky had seven daughters, all of whom were born caring for the quality of benefits. The beautiful water is so beautiful, and my heart is full of infinite yearning like a deer. Especially when I see Dawei Mountain, I can see the beautiful and graceful peaks, the ancient woods, and the magnificent. I hate that I can fly to play. One day, they stole the Temple of Heaven and flew down on Dawei Mountain. Birds sang around them, moose danced around them, and springs played piano at their feet. They played in the forest and grass, and felt something like never before. Happy, they jumped into the lake to take a bath. After the bathing in the lake, they became more beautiful one by one. After the bath, they lay on the grass, untie the ribbons on their bodies and throw them around, as if they were being scattered. The sky is full of flowers and rain. Suddenly, the mountains were full of colorful flowers, and this is now the sea of alpine rhododendrons with tens of thousands of acres. Later, the seven fairies wanted to return to the Tiangong, and one left a hosta as a souvenir. Since then, there have been hundreds of rhododendrons in Dawei Mountain, including rivers, yellows, white purples, and greens. People say that the seven boulders are the seven fairies. The hairpin turned into is called "Seven Stars Looking at the Moon", the mountain is also called the "Seven Star Peak", and the lake where the fairy once took a bath is also called the "Tianxing Lake."

Dawei Mountain
National Park